Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The Call

On my way to the bus stop, during my 17th year, God spoke to my heart: " I have a great work for you to do." Later on, I felt the distinct call to be a missionary- but I didn't know how or when. I remember going to see Disney's "Beauty and the Beast" with my grandmother that same year and I remember my heart stirring- no, practically bursting as Belle sang, "I want adventure in the great wide somewhere. I want it more than I can tell... I want so much more than they've got planned." And I wanted to yell, "That's exactly how I feel!" I remember also when I received the call to be a missionary that I stood up in church and told the congregation, "I'm not sure where I'm going, but I know that God has called me to preach the Gospel." Shortly thereafter, my pastor began asking me to preach on Sunday nights. At 17, I preached my first sermon. A little later on, I went to Emmanuel to get a teaching degree so I could be a missionary. I was focused. Along the way, I met Chris and married and had two beautiful children- but the desire to teach God's word has not left me. Over the years I have been burdened to speak to women and teach them God's truth. FOr seven years I kept up a list on my wall to have a women's ministry- my goals for that ministry and prayers. Now, I am feeling the desire to teach and preach again- stronger than it has been for a long time. And I have recently heard the Holy Spirit whispering to me, " I want you to teach my people." Now, I am not sure what that means, because as a young mom, I know I have time b/f I can do a lot. I also know that I must be in agreement with my husband- but the call is unmistakable and it is a like a fire shut up in my bones- I must speak the truth to all who will hear. I must tell them the truth. I am not sure how. I am not sure when. I am not sure to whom (women, children, families...) I only know I must speak it.
I am also not sure why I am blogging this, but I felt I must. Please pray for me- I only want to do His will.

1 comment:

Debbie C. said...

Hey there, I will be praying for you. Thanks for sharing this. What message is God stirring in your heart to share with women, etc...? I have the same desire to share with older women (my age group) about raising Godly daughters; modesty, character, etc...