Thursday, May 24, 2007


My friend Jana is undergoing surgery # 9 tomorrow morning for cancer. SHe had only recently finished chemo when she discovered a lump in her chest; it turned out to be a malignant tumor. Jana has AMAZED me with her spirit of " I REFUSE to give up!" (You'd have to know Jana to hear her say that in her loud, Southern accent!) I came across a song by Craig Morgan (Country Music star) and oh boy did it fit her!The song is called "Tough", and I encourage all of you to listen to it as soon as you can. It will put some perspective on your life!
Another song by Craig is called , "If I had my way." Now, I have never had cancer, so I cannot relate to that personal fight, but I have been through other tough times, and when I heard this song, it really made me think. I for one, knowing myself, would definitely have taken the "easy path", but if I had, I would never have learned how good God is. There have been times when I have wanted to give up and go to the "the woods (that) are lovely dark and deep (1), but God always reminds me , "but I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep, and miles to go before I sleep." (1)
In other words, I have too much to do before I am called to heaven. God says that the "harvest is white"- in other words it is ready- ripe.

Also, I would like to answer the tag PR gave me about our COTN volunteers. I truly am blessed to have such wonderful workers in the COTN Patch! People who faithfully give of their time to sit, play with, and teach all the little ones who come our way. I am honored to lead such a terrific group of people!
I love you all!
Until the next blog,

(1)- Robert Frost, "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening"

I love you all!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

I got in!

Just wanted to tell all my blogger friends/family that I was accepted to Capella Univeristy!THanks for all your prayers!
ANd hey Debbie, I didn't know you read my blog. Welcome!
Love you all!
Until the next blog,

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Grad School Here I come!

For the past several months, I have been working on getting into graduate school. I have read numerous books, looked into universities, prayed, talked to different admissions counselors, prayed, checked out various programs, prayed... you get the picture! Anyway, after all this, I have applied to Capella University- one of the top on-line universities. I am awaiting my actual admission, but it looks very good for me and I'm walking by faith. I am sooooooo excited. I will be pursuing an MS in Reading and literacy (one of my absoulute passions). Chris has been working to put together a nice computer set up for me, and I am so proud of him for installing more ram and a usb card in my computer- all by himself! Go baby!
I am scheduled to begin on September 1st, so I don't have long to go.
Even though I know it is going to cost, I have been scouring books and preparing to apply for numerous scholarships and grants. I also am kicking up my tutoring services. And my sweet husband has graciously given me permission to use our "Canada" money until I finish (which by the way I have four years to do so) and then we can start saving for our trip again. I am going to do all I can to keep my costs really low. Please join with me if you would in prayer that God would open up the doors for me to bring the money in. But I'm not worried; He'll provide.Well, it's late (or early depending on how you look at it) so I am going to get back to bed. I will let you know when I receive my actual acceptance (the enrollment director said she'll call me by Wed at latest but probably earlier). If I was superstitious I'd say do a Haley Mills like on Parent Trap and cross your fingers tight! But instead I'll just say, pray (and okay, if you want to cross your fingers; I won't mind)! Blessings to you all and until the next blog...

P.S. Thanks for the "thought" you gave me to ponder PR! It was good to zoom out.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Messing up

I think it is safe to say that Adam and Eve messed up pretty badly, yes?
Well, today as I was reading about after the death of Abel and exile of Cain, a new thought popped into my head. It says that ... then men began to call on the LORD- and I thought- they have to know about God from someone. Hmm, must be their parents/grandparents Adam and Eve. This means that Adam and Eve must have repented and started teaching their off spring about God. What good news that is for we parents who are also imperfect! Even when we mess up, God is there to help us renew our testimony and still leave a lasting legacy for Him. Now that is AWESOME! So, in heaven, let's go easy on Adam and Eve- after all- we're not perfect either.
Until the next blog,

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Moving on

Hey guys! Sorry it has been so long since I've written. I just published my draft from the 9th of April, so please feel free to read it along with this one.
So much has happened since I last wrote.
Major events:
* My sister-in-law Amanda Collick (now Amanda Rich) got married on April 21st. It was a beautiful wedding, filled with love and originality! I will try to publish a picture so you can see for yourself how wonderful the couple looked.

* My Aunt Bennita died on April 23rd. the kids and I went up to KEntucky and then Cincinnati for a memorial service in honor of her. It was a memorial service filled with love and arguments between my mom's best friend and my former pastor over whether you could be Catholic (or any other religion) and still go to heaven. I got to see my sister and her two boys, and other family members and friends I've not seen for years.

* Chris and I celebrated our 8th anniversary on May 1st. Unfortunately, since the kids have been sick, we cared for them and went to bed early.

Other than that, I have been praying and feel God is leading me to go back to graduate school. I am not sure how I am going to pay for it yet (I really don't want to take any more loans out), but I know that if God is truly doing the leading, He WILL provide the funds I need.

I also have been fuming over the idiocity (If that's not a word, it should be) of people in the liberal sect of our government who want to make it illegal to say that homosexuality is wrong. Whatever happened to free speech??? I don't believe in "gay bashing" but I'm sorry, the Bible says that homosexuality is wrong,and that is that. Now, I am not a confrontational kind of person, but to try to pass a law that says that we are no longer entitled to our opinions and beliefs, is just plain WRONG! And what do we do? We just sit back and let the government chip away at our freedoms little by little until one day we're going to look up and realize that we have had our mouth and our hands and our feet chipped away and we will no longer be able to speak, or do, or go. Well, I say NO!!!!! I say PRAY! Humble yourselves and stand int he gap for the Christians who are going to their deaths for serving Christ (in Pakistan a 12 year old Christian girl was raped repeatedly by four muslim men and people are dying everywhere! And what are we doing??? Driving in our fancy cars, sitting in our fancy houses watching American Idol and letting our freedom go our the window and not caring about anyone but ourselves. God help us and forgive us!
Call on the name of the LORD, RePENT! and sit in sackcloth and ashes (metaphorically speaking) and weep for the state of our nation! Oh LORD forgive us! Woe is me, LORD! WOe is me! Don't just sit back and let all this roll off your backs, please! Stand up and dig your feet in and clothe yourself with the armor of the LORD and FIGHT!- not just for national freedom, but for international freedom and for the LORD to send His Spirit out unto all the nations of the world. And cry out for His protection, His help, His love to surround us all.

Well, I will get off my soapbox for now. I am not sure if what I wrote even makes sense, but it is time for Christians to rise up and not let another Madelyne Murray O'Hair take away our freedom. Okay, I really am stepping down now.

Well, I am going to go for now. Blessings to you all!

Until the next blog,