Saturday, June 2, 2007

Life in a gold fish bowl (random thoughts)

Aren't goldfish cute to look at? I know kids really like them. But I wonder how the goldfish feel? What if they knew that they were destined to be a lot bigger and have large ponds to swim in instead of a tiny bowl?
Stay with me here:
I was just looking at my potted plants on the front porch, and I noticed that they are overflowing- seeking more space. And I thought, they would actually be okay if I left them there, but they wouldn't grow anymore really. And what kind of life would that be for them?? Now, I know that neither the goldfish, nor the plants probably notice any difference, but what about us? how often do we find ourselves swimming in a little bowl, afraid to move to the pond- or overflowing our pots, but afraid to move to a roomier one. God knows, however, just when we need to move.
I thought about my kids also while looking at the plants, and I thought- how easy it is to keep them in a small bowl- safe, where I can watch over there every move- close to me- but then they wouldn't grow like God intends for them to do would they? Yes, they would be cute to look at, but they wouldn't grow to be all they could be. And this really made me think about life in a goldfish bowl. God said in John 10:10 that He (Christ) came to give us life and life more abundantly." Doesn't sound like a fishbowl does it? Yet, how many times do we "freak out" the minute God tries to move us to a larger area of our walk with Him? (Ever see a fish out of water?)
We don't trust- God, ourselves, whatever, -we can't see a bigger tank being prepared for us; we just see a small bowl we are put in while He is preparing our new home.
What if the next time He moves us, we just swim around peacefully, knowing that He is a good God and that HE will work everything together for our good, and wait expectantly for our bigger tank? Exciting thought, hmm?
Would love any thoughts/comments you have on this.
Until the next blog,

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